Bible Messages

Why study the Bible?

“The more you train in peace, the less you bleed in war” – Those are the words that were printed over the top of the door of a U. S. Navy Hanger (Aircraft training). 2 Timothy 2:3 says that all Christians are soldiers and 2 Timothy 2:15 commands that you “Study to shew thyself approved unto God…” God’s command for you is to train (In Church and personally on your own time) so that you can fight the good fight of faith! May these lessons help you to train for what’s yet to come in the last days before Christ’s Return!!

Matthew 6:33 – Things that God puts First
Acts 9:1-8 – What was Paul’s purpose
Matthew 24:32-42 – If Jesus were to come today
Isaiah 46:1-4 – How to grow old joyfully
Ephesians 4:30-31 – Grieving the Holy Ghost
Galatians 6:1 – Gauging Your Spirituality
Joshua 7:10 – God wants you UP
Gal. 6:9 – Be not weary in well doing
2 Timothy 4:1-8 Are You Ready
Revelation 3:14-22 When God becomes Disgusted
Deut. 29:29 The Word I Preach
Jeremiah 6:16 What is Old Time Religion?
Phil. 1:23-24 Why Paul stayed around?
Jeremiah 3:1-5 Why is there Spiritual Drought ?
Matthew 3:1-12 – In Those Days (Sermon)