Welcome to the site!

Attention: Prayer Requests – Are you a Motorcycle rider? This ministry wants to let you know that if you have any prayer requests, please send us an email at gospelwarriors@yahoo.com and we will be glad to pray for you, what every your request may be. We will add you to our personal list (Nothing will be listed on this website). Let us also know what you ride (If you want); it doesn’t matter what brand bike you ride, our desire is to help all those who ride. Please drop us a line and we will pray for you as long as you need that prayer. Have a great day: “Preacher” Skip Kish.

Feel free to navigate this site; On the top bar, under “Salvation” you will find the bible plan on how to get to Heaven. Under “Bible Messages”, you will find Bible sermons and studies that I believe will help you to grow as a Christian. And under “Articles” my wife has submitted several articles that I believe will bless your heart. Finally, under “Procedural Manual” you will find a PDF print out of the Gospel Warriors manual (Everything from what we believe, to riding in formation and also a manual on how to win souls to Jesus Christ. Our Battle Cry is “Every Soul Counts”!

Harley Owners Group (Live to ride; ride to live)

The Forever Chapter There are two; forever Heaven and forever Hell. Check out MWTB.org for this great gospel tract for bikers. And remember, Jesus Saves!
Why men lose their souls by Pastor James Knox (Bible Baptist Church – Deland Florida)
The following message comes from the Bible Baptist Church of DeLand Florida. Pastor James Knox. You can find them on the web site jamesknox.org. It is there that you will find some great Bible preaching and teaching.
Preaching the Word to a world that has all but forgotten who Jesus Christ really is!!

R. A. Torrey’s Prescription for Revival

(1) Let a few Christians get thoroughly right with God themselves

(2) Let them bind themselves together in prayer groups for revival

(3) Let them put themselves at the disposal of God, for Him to use them as he sees fit in the winning of others to Christ.

The BIBLE (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth)

There is nothing that will so effectively cause believers to serve in sincerity and occupy faithfully until Jesus comes as will the moment-by-moment expectancy of looking for his return. If we are expecting Jesus, we will be busy for Jesus; and we will also be very careful where we go, what we do, how we live and how we use our time. -Oliver B. Greene

War Strategy (2 Timothy 2:3-4)

(1) Your Know your Enemy: His name and Aliases: Satan (Revelation 12:9), Devil (1 Peter 5:8), Prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2). His characteristics: Subtle (Genesis 3:1), Ruthless (1 Peter 5:8). His disguise: Angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). His weaknesses: Prayer (Isaiah 14:13-14) and your submission of God (James 4:7). His plan of attack: Deceive carnal Christians (1 Corinthians 3:3), Blind the unsaved (2 Corinthians 4:4).

(2) Know those in command: Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 9:11), Pastor (Bishop) (1 Timothy 3:1-7), Fellow Christians – The best soldiers are – Sold out for the Lord, Faithful church members, Soul Winners and prayer warriors.

(3) Know the plan of attack: Pray (Ephesians 6:18), Wear your armor (Ephesians 6:13), Use your Weapon (Ephesians 6:17), Call out the reserves (Galatians 6:1) and recruit new soldiers (Mark 16:15).

Evangelist David Spurgeon. If you go to davidspurgeon.org you can order his book “Bikin’ and Brotherhood: My Journey”. A firsthand look into the world of the Harley enthusiast and beyond. It is a story of his early days as a “One percenter” and how he came to know the Lord Jesus Christ